Friday, 16 March 2012

Villa Muller Model

Short Section

  • Raumplan design
  • Different tones of shading are applied for different stepped heights spaces
  • The role of light in the building - some rooms are darker and some are lighter
(hand drawn using black pen and pencil)


    The long section shows the two main staircases and the areas that people could move freely, ie vertical and horizontal circulation systems.
    (hand drawn using black pen, coloured pen and pencil)

    Axonometric Drawing

    showing the main structural system of the villa, as well as the different ceiling heights in public/pivate rooms.
    (hand drawn using black pen and pencil)

    Site plan

    Showing the relationship of Villa Muller to its surrounding area, as well as the relationship of the parts of the house and different function areas of the villa, eg Public, Private and Servant areas. It is obvious to see that Loos wants the functions of the villa to be defined very clearly, public spaces to be very public and private spaces to be very private.
    (hand drawn using black pen and pencil)

    Thursday, 15 March 2012


    Basement Level

    Entrance Level

    First Level

    Raised Ground Level

    Roof Level

    (hand drawn using black pen)

    Raumplan Design

    Raumplan in Villa Muller

    • The spatial design, known as Raumplan - the principle of the spatial structure of the plan- is evident in the multi-level parts of individual rooms, indicating their function and symbolic importance.
    • Raumplan is exhibited in the interior as well as the exterior.
    • Loos uses the different levels of the Raumplan to create a careful “architectural promenade” from outside to inside.

    Brief Study

    Saturday, 10 March 2012

    Villa Muller

    “My architecture is not conceived in plans, but in spaces (cubes). I do not design floor plans, facades, sections. I design spaces. For me, there is no ground floor, first floor etc... For me, there are only contiguous, continual spaces, rooms, anterooms, terraces etc. Storeys merge and spaces relate to each other. Every space requires a different height; the dining room is surely higher than the pantry, thus the ceilings are set at different levels. To join these spaces in such a way that the rise and fall are not only unobservable but also practical, in this I see what is for others the great secret, although it is for me a great matter of course. It is just this spatial interaction and spatial austerity that thus far I have best been able to realise in Dr Müller's house". Adolf Loos